Hydraulic station deepening equipment with 3 Sauer pumps, 180, 100 and 60 liters / min, 160KW cummins 6 cyl diesel. 1997 model, 1050 operating hours. - Circle Pump SH8-75 pump. 400 hours. New impeller. - 30 meters hydraulic hoses - 40 meters 200 mm discha
Auction 680 #0047

Hydraulic station deepening equipment with 3 Sauer pumps, 180, 100 and 60 liters / min, 160KW cummins 6 cyl diesel. 1997 model, 1050 operating hours. - Circle Pump SH8-75 pump. 400 hours. New impeller. - 30 meters hydraulic hoses - 40 meters 200 mm discha Click on a picture to view fullsize


Hydraulic station deepening equipment with 3 Sauer pumps, 180, 100 and 60 liters / min, 160KW cummins 6 cyl diesel. 1997 model, 1050 operating hours. - Circle Pump SH8-75 pump. 400 hours. New impeller. - 30 meters hydraulic hoses - 40 meters 200 mm discha

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Aggersundvej 55, 9670 Løgstør.

Bidding end time:

23-08-2019 13:00:00


Onsdag d. 21-08-2019 kl. 10:00 til 15:00


Mandag d. 26-08-2019 kl. 09:00 til 16:00




KJ Auktion 680


Martin Møller Madsen

[email protected] Tlf: 24906213

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