Featured auctions
Here you will find machine auctions, bankruptcy auction, moving sales, stock sales and much more.
KJ Auction is your partner for the sale of machinery and equipment locally and internationally.
We offer sales of machinery and other operating assets for all types of companies.
When you bid, you may choose to either accept next upbid or submit a higher max bid. Even if you choose a higher max bid, the system will automatically bid as little as possible for you. The auction system will never bid more on your behalf than your Auto Bid. Your bid is therefore the maximum price that you may have pay for the goods.
Bidding ends at Please notice that 100 lots close every half hour. The first 100 lots usually close 13.00, next 100 lots close 13.30 e.t.c
Extended time If a bid is submitted within 10 minutes to closing, bidding time is extended by another 10 minutes from the time the bid is submitted. This prevents other bids at the last minute, and you thereby do not win the auction unless you keep bidding, of course. Please note that the auction is extended no matter if you bid or someone else bids. Keep an eye on the time that counts down and press F5 to refresh the page and check for new bids.
If the auction of a lot is set to close at. 1 PM and you bid at 12:55, then the new closing time will be 1:05 PM. If another bid is logged at 1:03 PM, lot closing time is extended by 10 minutes to pm. 1:13 PM etc. This applies to all lots. Tip: filter catalogue and get better overview of your lots of your interest by using the Bid Manager option.
Fee and VAT
Buyers Premium, BP, is added (16%) plus VAT (25%).
If you buy a lot at 1,000.00 DKK we add
16% BP = 160,00 kr, totalling kr. 1160 plus
25% VAT of 1,160 kr = 290.00 kr
Invoice total is 1,450.00 incl. BP and VAT
Calculation formula ex. VAT: Bid amount * 1.16
Calculation of BP and VAT: Bid amount * 1.16 * 1.25
The auction is over when all lots have closed. The auction system composes and forwards an invoice by mail to the winning bidders. Note that invoices are usually forwarded during the afternoon - and not necessarily just after the auction closes.
When you receive an email with the invoice, please read the message carefully.
Please pay by money transfer. At some auctions you can also pay by credit card or cash on pickup if the total is below 7500.00 kr.
It is important that you collect your goods within the specified time. This information is available for every event from the information button.
It facilitates the processing time if you bring your invoice and payment receipt on paper. You may find your payment receipt from your account. (We check transfers once a day in the morning)
KJ Auction primarily sells products, aimed at the professional end of the market (metal, wood, building / construction, agriculture). Should you have have surplus equipment, then KJ online auction an effective and quick way to dispose equipment for cash. Sales are generally from the seller's premises. We will probably ask you what you want to sell and how quickly you want the sale to happen. Maybe you can send an email with pictures and text, but otherwise contact us by. phone: tlf. 98 75 00 10, [email protected]
Maybe you have enough for an independent auction, but if not, we always have the opportunity to selle by online exchange. If you have many goods and some value, we do the lotting. This means that we prepare the goods for auction, cleaning or other. Next, we take pictures and write text, puts it on our website and start the auction. We are also discussing the time for viewing and collection, where we come to you.
If you do not have enough for a separate auction, you may send us text and photos and do the viewing and collection services. You get a login which allows you to monitor the auction while in progresse and see the status of sales and payment after the auction.
Before we start the auction, we will be doing a contract including seller salary, terms and conditions.
Notice: As a seller, your duty is to disclose all relevant information about your goods, including any faults / defects / defects, if stated that the buyer will not be refunded his money and you as a seller will not receive payment for your goods.
Typically it takes about 3 weeks from start to finish. In the beginning, we may not open for bidding. It allows you to check the catalog and, if necessary, correct it, where necessary, before opening for bids. When the auction ends, we contact winning bidders who pay to our account either by money transfer or at the auction site if we do the collection service. Collection is usually one or two days. Customers bring documents or we check out online payment status and invoice. If the lot is not already paid, so customers pay at collection. If you do the collection then the buyers must pay by money transfer before collection.
About 12 working days after the auction is usually all goods paid for and downloaded. We will then issue a credit to you that contains a specification for each lot, totals for the bid amount, fee and VAT, as well as the difference between the bid amount and fees (settlement amount) with and without VAT.