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Auction 504 - Online auction
Starts closing on 28.10.2017 13.00
Idskovvej 19, 9352 Dybvad
Auction 503 - Online auction
Starts closing on 03.10.2017 13.00
Korshøjvej 2, 8600 Silkeborg

Auction 502 - Online auction
Starts closing on 12.10.2017 13.00
Landholmvej 3, 9280 Storvorde

Auction 501 - Online auction
Starts closing on 30.09.2017 13.00
Vordingborgvej 216 4682 Tureby

Auction 500 - Online auction
Starts closing on 23.09.2017 13.00
Østerbro 44, 5000 Odense C.

Auction 499 - Online auction
Starts closing on 27.09.2017 13.00
Different addresses, please see catalog

Auction 498 - Online auction
Starts closing on 28.09.2017 13.00
Note Different addresses

Auction 497 - Online auction
Starts closing on 06.09.2017 13.00
Kirkebjerg Allé 56, 2720 Vanløse

Auction 496 - Online auction
Starts closing on 09.09.2017 13.00
Bransagervej 10, 9490 Pandrup, and other address - see catalog

Auction 495 - Online auction
Starts closing on 12.09.2017 13.00
Møllegårdsvej 3, 4270 Høng

Auction 494 - Online auction
Starts closing on 19.08.2017 13.00
Houvej 166, Ulsted, 9370 Hals

Auction 493 - Online auction
Starts closing on 31.08.2017 13.00
Rødhøj 10, 4550 Asnæs

Auction 492 - Online auction
Starts closing on 24.08.2017 13.00
Sprogøvej 2 9800 Hjørring

Auction 491 - Online auction
Starts closing on 29.08.2017 13.00
Landholmvej 3 9280 Storvorde.

Auction 490 - Online auction
Starts closing on 15.08.2017 13.00
Ellehammersvej 10, 9430 Vadum

Auction 489 - Online auction
Starts closing on 26.07.2017 13.00
Møllegårdsvej 3, 4270 Høng.

Auction 488 - Online auction
Starts closing on 22.08.2017 13.00
Østre Allé 2, 9530 Støvring, Nibevej 114, 9530 Støvring

Auction 487 - Online auction
Starts closing on 21.07.2017 09.04
4100 Ringsted

Auction 486 - Online auction
Starts closing on 10.07.2017 13.00
Skovbyvej 24, 4840 Nørre Alsev

Auction 485 - Online auction
Starts closing on 30.06.2017 13.00
Svenstrupvej 27, 9640 Farsø