Landholmvej 3, DK-9280 Storvorde, Denmark, and other adresses, see each lot for correct adress
If you have items for sale for the next online exchange then pls. bring your goods when collection time for this auction is over.
KJ Auktion online event # 250 is surplus equipment from in our new auction house in Storvorde, Denmark.
Catalog with more than 500 lots, examples:
- ATV, Polaris Sportsman XP, Twin 850 EFI, Electronic EPS power steering
- Car, Citroen Evasion 2.0 i,
- Veteran, Morris 1000 Minor, wooden model
Other vehicles:
- Brenderup 1000 kg trailer with tilt
- Militæry trailer HMK
Contructions machinery:
- Teleskopmachines Terex 13 m-3 tons, JCB 13,5 m-3,7 tons, Merlo 13 meter
- Bachshoe loader, New Holland LB 115 4PS
- Escavator for graveyard Hansa 131
- Motorised wheelbarrow Superskub Honda motor
- Compactors
- Mobilecompressor with dieselmotor
- Parktractor Iseki with sweeper and spreader
- Press brake, LVD 220 tons, 3 meter length, with 4 axes control
- Plate sheer, Donewell type 4/2500,
- Revolverlathe, Schaublin type 102N, with adaptor F64
- Welder ESAB LAN 400
- Pipes, fittings, etc
- New windows and much more
- 1300 liter olietank in plast
- Stiga lawnmoover tractors, Stiga Belos utility tools carrier
- Compressorer and more
Bent Knudsen
bk@kjauktion.dk Tlf: 42123213
Viewing on Wednesday March 4th. 2015 from 9 AM - 16 PM, CET
Collection on Thursday12th. and Friday 13th. March from 9 AM - 16 PM, CET

Water pump with Honda engine 4.0, sold by private, only VAT on commission
Only VAT on buyers premium

Air nailer, Paslode 5350S / 100Q, and air stapler gun, sold by private, only VAT on commission
Only VAT on buyers premium

Water pump with Honda engine 5.0, sold by private, only VAT on commission
Only VAT on buyers premium

Generating sets with petrol engine OHV EC5000EXV, sold by private, only VAT on commission
Only VAT on buyers premium