Landholmvej 3, DK-9280 Storvorde, Denmark, and other adresses, see each lot for correct address
Viewing on 28th august from 10 AM to 4 PM CEST
Monday and Tuesday 7th. september and 8th. september 2015 at 9AM to 4 PM CEST

Caravan, Tabbert Comtesse 515. Year 1989. Previously reg. no. AA5480. License plate not included.
Only VAT on buyers premium

Tractor, MF 3165 R. Without battery. Condition unknown
Only VAT on buyers premium

Swather, 2 rotor knibrd. Total width approx 194 cm. Refurbished.
Only VAT on buyers premium

Tig welding rectifier, Esab LTD 200 + control, Esab A21 PRMA
Only VAT on buyers premium

Approximately 75 x broom rings, polycarbonate, yellow, ø600 mm. Hole: 10 "
Only VAT on buyers premium