Moellegaardsvej 3, 4270 Hoeng and other locations as stated in the lot catalogue
Mette Olsen
[email protected] Tlf: 20 30 20 47
Viewing on 18. September 2015 from 10 - 15
Collection on 24. September 2015 from 9 to 4 and Friday 25. September 2015 from 9 to 3PM. In Ruds-Vedby by appointment only

2 pcs doors Sweedoor 72.5 x 205 x 40 gray + 1 door 72.5 x 205 x 40 white
Only VAT on buyers premium

Clothing rack with glass and hanging rails on both sides + 2 clothes racks
Only VAT on buyers premium

Auto HI-FI stereo speakers with subwoofer have separate fair hearing damage on his conscience
Only VAT on buyers premium