Landholmvej 3, 9280 Storvorde and Hjortholmvej 14, 9541 Suldrup
Bo Sørensen
[email protected] Tlf: 24906213
Wednesday 14-12-2016 from 9:00 to 15:00 o'clock
Thursday 22-12 from bell 9.00 to 16:00 and Friday from 23-12-2016 at 9:00 to 15:00

Car, Rexton, 2.7, XD I year. 2005. Driven 167.000 km. Prev. Reg. No. DW11278. must seem
Only VAT on buyers premium

Polysan fireplace plate 108x80 cm, 2 Polysan fireplace plates 100x67 cm
Only VAT on buyers premium

Pallet with various hand tools + tool chest with drywall screw gun and straps.
Only VAT on buyers premium

Garden Tractor, mrk. Craftsman LT1000 missing drive belt for knives.
Only VAT on buyers premium