Stolbro Gade 23, 6430 Nordborg
Martin Møller Madsen
[email protected] Tlf: 24906213
Friday, December 9 and Saturday, Dec. 10. Both days at. 10:00 to 14:00
Friday, December 16 and Saturday, Dec. 17. Both days at. 9:00 to 15:00

Platform Truck 400x220 cm with manuel supportfoot Clutch block for brakes
Only VAT on buyers premium

Hedvandsrenser Brand Nilfisk Alto Neptune 4-49x Max 39 bar Condition unknown, not tested.
Only VAT on buyers premium

Trailer for bike 114x54 + compressor brand Airmax 2.5 horses 16 liters.
Only VAT on buyers premium

1 piece cupboard with space with associated keys 67x144 cm + wardrobe without key 75x120 cm
Only VAT on buyers premium