Værftsvej 8, 4600 Køge
Company manufactures technologies for biomass plants and experiment sold much from here
a portion of acid-proof stainless steel, large valves, pumps, high pressure blowers, gas generator, cnc plastic mask honors,
and the large silos / tanks from the auger, which is also Flare overskudsgasbrænderen which cost close to
one mille ...
It is recommended to come to overhaul blah. to see how and with what to use for dismantling.
There will probably be descriptions are not quite right, but kik pictures and came for inspection as
avoid misunderstandings
Mette Olsen
mette@kjauktion.dk Tlf: 20 30 20 47
Friday, 10-03-2017 from 9:00 to 16:00 o'clock
On Thursday and Friday, 16 and 17-03-2017, from at 9:00 to 16:00 on both days.