Strandvejen 163, 9370 Hou Hals + Markedsvej 136, 9700 Brønderslev + Frankrigsvej 20, 8450 Hammel + Kløvermarken 35, 7190 Billund
Christian Meyer
[email protected] Tlf: 28293802
Tuesday d. 23-04-2019 kl. 09:00 til 16:00
Thursday d. 02-05-2019 kl. 09:00 til 16:00

Granite worktop with cutout. 127.5x127.5 cm. 66.5 cm. deep in the middle
Only VAT on buyers premium

2 pcs. steel wire. Length: 2 meters. Diameter: 22mm. With eyes at both ends.
Only VAT on buyers premium

1 piece. stainless steel wire. 6 meters. Diameter: 18 mm. Perlon protective hose outermost.
Only VAT on buyers premium

4 pcs. steel wire. 0.90. Galvanized. Diameter: 22mm. Eyes at both ends.
Only VAT on buyers premium