Glenco exhaust system, complete for extraction of machines and ventilation in the kitchen, no problems with dismantling as there will happen a total decomposition of the building
Auction 414 #0046

Glenco exhaust system, complete for extraction of machines and ventilation in the kitchen, no problems with dismantling as there will happen a total decomposition of the building Click on a picture to view fullsize

Keywords: Extraction, Glenco


Glenco exhaust system, complete for extraction of machines and ventilation in the kitchen, no problems with dismantling as there will happen a total decomposition of the building

The auction of this lot is closed

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Odensevej 13, 5500 middelfart

Bidding end time:

11-11-2016 13:00:00


Wednesday, 09-11-2016 10:00 to 14:00


Tuesday, 15-11-2016 from 9:00 to 16:00 o'clock




KJ Auktion 414


Martin Møller Madsen

[email protected] Tlf: 24906213

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