3 pieces. transport cages for trucks with a 15 mm bottom plate B: 2,400 mm D: 1,200 mm H: 1800 mm can be stacked maximum weight 2800 kg
Auction 495 #0031

3 pieces. transport cages for trucks with a 15 mm bottom plate B: 2,400 mm D: 1,200 mm H: 1800 mm can be stacked maximum weight 2800 kg Click on a picture to view fullsize


3 pieces. transport cages for trucks with a 15 mm bottom plate B: 2,400 mm D: 1,200 mm H: 1800 mm can be stacked maximum weight 2800 kg

The auction of this lot is closed

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Møllegårdsvej 3, 4270 Høng

Bidding end time:

12-09-2017 13:00:00


Fredag, 08-9-2017 at. 9:00 to 15:00


Torsdag, 14-9-2017 and fredag, 15-9-2017 at. 9:00 to 16:00




KJ Auktion 495


Martin Møller Madsen

mm@kjauktion.dk Tlf: 24906213

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