NEWTEC Weighs, with bag machine, tray dispenser, label machine, elevator and rolls. NEWTEC Weighing. 12 Roads bowls. Model: 2012A. Dimensions of bowls: Width: 10cm. Height: 13cm. NEWTEC Bag fills. Model: VB40CA. Bag dimensions: Width: 26cm. Height. Doc in
Auction 647 #0012

NEWTEC Weighs, with bag machine, tray dispenser, label machine, elevator and rolls. NEWTEC Weighing. 12 Roads bowls. Model: 2012A. Dimensions of bowls: Width: 10cm. Height: 13cm. NEWTEC Bag fills. Model: VB40CA. Bag dimensions: Width: 26cm. Height. Doc in Click on a picture to view fullsize


NEWTEC Weighs, with bag machine, tray dispenser, label machine, elevator and rolls. NEWTEC Weighing. 12 Roads bowls. Model: 2012A. Dimensions of bowls: Width: 10cm. Height: 13cm. NEWTEC Bag fills. Model: VB40CA. Bag dimensions: Width: 26cm. Height. Doc in

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Stubberupvej 18, 9500 Hobro

Bidding end time:

20-05-2019 13:00:00


Torsdag d. 09-05-2019 kl. 09:00 til 15:00


Torsdag d. 23-05-2019 kl. 09:00 til 16:00




KJ Auktion 647


Jens Poulstrup Nielsen

[email protected] Tlf: 51648811

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