Salon rifle Cal 22LR Weapon number 142411 VOFRE without magazine Running length 72 Total length 102 cm
Auction 678 #0098

Salon rifle Cal 22LR Weapon number 142411 VOFRE without magazine Running length 72 Total length 102 cm Click on a picture to view fullsize


Salon rifle Cal 22LR Weapon number 142411 VOFRE without magazine Running length 72 Total length 102 cm

The auction of this lot is closed

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Trehøjevej 31, 7200 Grindsted

Bidding end time:

24-08-2019 13:08:11


Lørdag d. 17-08-2019 kl. 09:00 til 16:00,There are open house sales where there are the following discounts on sale of goods in store, 35% on shoes, clothing and the like, 45% on fishing rods equipment, etc. and 25% on Weapons, Optics and the like.


i morgenTirsdag d. 27-08-2019 kl. 10:00 til 17:30,There are open house sales where there are the following discounts on sale of goods in store, 35% on shoes, clothing and the like, 45% on fishing rods equipment, etc. and 25% on Weapons, Optics and the lik




KJ Auktion 678


Martin Møller Madsen Tlf: 24906213

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