Plate saw brand Scheer 310x180 plan size. With control box. With suction pipe up to damper. With front and main blade Cut length about 3000 mm. Rear stop approximately 1500 mm with motorized boom and 3 tables.
Auction 697 #0055

Plate saw brand Scheer 310x180 plan size. With control box. With suction pipe up to damper. With front and main blade Cut length about 3000 mm. Rear stop approximately 1500 mm with motorized boom and 3 tables. Click on a picture to view fullsize


Plate saw brand Scheer 310x180 plan size. With control box. With suction pipe up to damper. With front and main blade Cut length about 3000 mm. Rear stop approximately 1500 mm with motorized boom and 3 tables.

The auction of this lot is closed

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Otto Bannersvej 6, 9330 Flauenskjold.

Bidding end time:

28-10-2019 13:14:00


Torsdag d. 24-10-2019 kl. 10:00 til 15:00, Lørdag d. 26-10-2019 kl. 10:00 til 15:00


Torsdag d. 31-10-2019 kl. 09:00 til 16:00, Søndag d. 03-11-2019 kl. 10:00 til 15:00




KJ Auktion 697


Jens Poulstrup Nielsen

[email protected] Tlf: 51648811

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