Fixie bike, demo model. with single speed (fixed gear). The flip / flop hub (cog on both sides of the hub). = Rear wheel can turn around to get coasting. Backhand and forehand brake
Auction 99 #0469

Fixie bike, demo model. with single speed (fixed gear). The flip / flop hub (cog on both sides of the hub). = Rear wheel can turn around to get coasting. Backhand and forehand brake Click on a picture to view fullsize

Manufacturer: Fixie


Fixie bike, demo model. with single speed (fixed gear). The flip / flop hub (cog on both sides of the hub). = Rear wheel can turn around to get coasting. Backhand and forehand brake

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Ballevej 3, 8300 Odder

Bidding end time:

12-03-2013 16:00:00


Details on viewing may be found the the text of the auction event for each seller


Collection on 15. March from 12 AM to 4 PM CEST and on 16. March from 10 AM to 12 AM CEST




KJ Auktion 99

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