57.1 meter posts, pressure impregnated. 18 meters 75x75 mm, length 3/240, 1/330, 1/360, 1/390 cm. 39.1 meters 100x100 mm, length 1/250, 2/270, 6/330, 2/360, 1/420 cm
Auction 767 #0059

57.1 meter posts, pressure impregnated. 18 meters 75x75 mm, length 3/240, 1/330, 1/360, 1/390 cm. 39.1 meters 100x100 mm, length 1/250, 2/270, 6/330, 2/360, 1/420 cm Click on a picture to view fullsize


57.1 meter posts, pressure impregnated. 18 meters 75x75 mm, length 3/240, 1/330, 1/360, 1/390 cm. 39.1 meters 100x100 mm, length 1/250, 2/270, 6/330, 2/360, 1/420 cm

The auction of this lot is closed

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Atletikvej 11, 9230 Svenstrup

Bidding end time:

05-08-2020 13:00:00


Mandag d. 03-08-2020 kl. 09:00 til 12:00


Fredag d. 07-08-2020 kl. 09:00 til 16:00




KJ Auktion 767


Jens Poulstrup Nielsen

[email protected] Tlf: 51648811

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