Vacuum cleaner, DeWalt, 230V / 12-18 V + line reads, Gismo Laser Cross Level
Auction 210 #0011

Vacuum cleaner, DeWalt, 230V / 12-18 V + line reads, Gismo Laser Cross Level Click on a picture to view fullsize


Vacuum cleaner, DeWalt, 230V / 12-18 V + line reads, Gismo Laser Cross Level

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Blæshøjvej 3, V. Hjermitslev, 9700 Brønderslev

Bidding end time:

28-10-2014 13:00:34


Viewing on 25. October 2014 from 9 AM to 3 PM CEST. Lots from Almas: Saturday between 9:30 AM to 1 PM CEST


Collection on 30. October from 9 AM to 4 PM + 31. October from 9 AM to 3 PM CEST




KJ Auktion 210

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