5 pcs floor rack for bicycle without support foot, Bike Hand or the like, may not be collected until at the end of the last day of collection (file photo)
Auction 248 #0118

5 pcs floor rack for bicycle without support foot, Bike Hand or the like,  may not be collected until at the end of the last day of collection (file photo) Click on a picture to view fullsize


5 pcs floor rack for bicycle without support foot, Bike Hand or the like, may not be collected until at the end of the last day of collection (file photo)

The auction of this lot is closed

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Landholmvej 3, 9280 Storvorde

Bidding end time:

07-03-2015 13:30:00


Viewing on Wednesday March 4th. 2015 from 9 AM - 16 PM, CEST


Collection on Monday 9th. and tuesday 10th. March from 9 AM - 16 PM, CEST




KJ Auktion 248


Bent Knudsen

bk@kjauktion.dk Tlf: 42123213

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