45 km / h, Retro Scooter with 4-Takt KYMCO engine running about 40 km on 1 liter of gasoline, paint black, see description:
Auction 248 #0356

45 km / h, Retro Scooter with 4-Takt KYMCO engine running about 40 km on 1 liter of gasoline, paint black, see description: Click on a picture to view fullsize


Front, rear and brake lights are LED bulbs, the engine is limited elektronisk. The scooter UNUSED, running and ready for registration. Number plate not included. Top speed: 45 km / h Max Power: 3.5 hp / 6000 rpm. Type: Scooter (large moped) Engine: KYMCO 4-stroke, 1 cylinder, air cooled, 49 cm3, Transmission: Automatic Transmission, Brakes: F: Disc brake B: Drum brake, English language service booklet and instructions late til buyer as a PDF file. Spareart warehouse exist in Denmark if an accident Occurs (file photo).

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Glimsholtvej 669, 9870 Sindal. Tlf.: 20709853. Sælger udleverer selv. Kun udlevering efter forudgående aftale. Betaling før afhentning

Bidding end time:

07-03-2015 14:30:00


Viewing on Wednesday March 4th. 2015 from 9 AM - 16 PM, CEST


Collection on Monday 9th. and tuesday 10th. March from 9 AM - 16 PM, CEST




KJ Auktion 248


Bent Knudsen

bk@kjauktion.dk Tlf: 42123213

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