Solid fuel stove, HWAM 3130 C. SN: D813464455, exhibition model + 2x Fire Tools + log bucket, metal, EP, with brass traded, ø = 40 x height = 30 cm + metal Hearth Tile, drop shape + burn behind, Condor
Auction 254 #0065

Solid fuel stove, HWAM 3130 C. SN: D813464455, exhibition model + 2x Fire Tools + log bucket, metal, EP, with brass traded, ø = 40 x height = 30 cm + metal Hearth Tile, drop shape + burn behind, Condor Click on a picture to view fullsize


Solid fuel stove, HWAM 3130 C. SN: D813464455, exhibition model + 2x Fire Tools + log bucket, metal, EP, with brass traded, ø = 40 x height = 30 cm + metal Hearth Tile, drop shape + burn behind, Condor

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Atletikvej 3, 9230 Svenstrup

Bidding end time:

20-03-2015 13:00:00


March 17th. 2015, from 9 AM to 4 PM CEST


March 23th. and 24th. from 9 AM to 4 PM CEST




KJ Auktion 254


Bent Knudsen Tlf: +45 4212 3213

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