NY-Demo Gasoline Generator "EP950"  Manual attached     Product Description  • Supply voltage: 230 Volt / 12 V DC  • Output Power: 750 Watts  • Engine: 2 stroke  • Displacement: 63.6 cc  • Fuel: Oil Mixed 1:50  • Start: Recoil  • Run time / Tank: 6T. / 4.
Auction 296 #0050

NY-Demo Gasoline Generator "EP950"  Manual attached     Product Description  • Supply voltage: 230 Volt / 12 V DC  • Output Power: 750 Watts  • Engine: 2 stroke  • Displacement: 63.6 cc  • Fuel: Oil Mixed 1:50  • Start: Recoil  • Run time / Tank: 6T. / 4. Click on a picture to view fullsize


NY-Demo Gasoline Generator "EP950"
 Manual attached
 Product Description
 • Supply voltage: 230 Volt / 12 V DC
 • Output Power: 750 Watts
 • Engine: 2 stroke
 • Displacement: 63.6 cc
 • Fuel: Oil Mixed 1:50
 • Start: Recoil
 • Run time / Tank: 6T. / 4.2 L
 • Noise level: 58 dB
 • Dimensions: 40 x 32.5 x 33 cm
 • Weight: 21 kg

The auction of this lot is closed

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Landholmvej 3, 9280 Storvorde

Bidding end time:

29-10-2015 13:00:00


D.26-10-2015 Kl. 11.30- 16.00


D.05-11-2015 Kl. 09.00 - 16.00 & D.06-11-2015 Kl. 09.00 - 16.30




KJ Auktion 296


Jim Søgaard Larsen

js@kjauktion.dk Tlf: 1

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