Noise things (match number 48) H: 210 cm, L: ca. 120 cm, W: 90 cm
Auction 347 #0049
Noise things (match number 48) H: 210 cm, L: ca. 120 cm, W: 90 cm
The auction of this lot is closed
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Sprogøvej 2, 9800 Hjørring
Bidding end time:
18-03-2016 13:07:24
Sprogøvej 2, 9800 Hjørring,
22-03-2016 / 23-03-2016 pm. 8:00 to 15:00. Catalogue 1-157 Kenneth Daarbak Tel. 22 28 80 99. Catalogue, 158-159: Kenneth Jensen, tel: 40 19 09 93
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