Møllegårdsvej 3, 4270 Høng, and several addresses
There are 2.5 tons of truck available, in Høng
It costs DKK 150.00 + VAT per lot number, per week in space rent for goods not picked up.
Lot number: 461-460 Tømmerupvej 174, 2791 Dragør. There is no truck available
Lot number: 461-462 Baldersbækvej 37, 2635 Ishøj. There is no truck available
Lot number: 463-472 Hollandiavej 1, 4840 Nørre Alslev. There is no truck available
Eve Hansen
[email protected] Tlf: 20302047
Thursday d. 25-04-2019 kl. 09:00 til 15:30
Tuesday d. 30-04-2019 kl. 09:00 til 15:30

1 piece. Allen-Bradley Bulletin1336 Dynamic Brake. 2 pcs AB 1336 plus. Used for testing. Ca. 20 years.
Only VAT on buyers premium

Sick WSU26-130 Photo electric sensor. Used for testing. Ca. 27 years
Only VAT on buyers premium

About 75 vases, bowls, candlesticks in blue + plate row with 3 drawers
Only VAT on buyers premium