Møllegårdsvej 3, 4270 Høng, and several addresses
There are 2.5 tons of truck available, in Høng
It costs DKK 150.00 + VAT per lot number, per week in space rent for goods not picked up.
Lot number: 461-460 Tømmerupvej 174, 2791 Dragør. There is no truck available
Lot number: 461-462 Baldersbækvej 37, 2635 Ishøj. There is no truck available
Lot number: 463-472 Hollandiavej 1, 4840 Nørre Alslev. There is no truck available
Eve Hansen
[email protected] Tlf: 20302047
Thursday d. 25-04-2019 kl. 09:00 til 15:30
Tuesday d. 30-04-2019 kl. 09:00 til 15:30

10 sets for children in ass sizes + 7 pcs jackets for children in ass sizes, unused
Only VAT on buyers premium

6 packages with ceiling panel 2.13 m2 per package, where one plate is missing
Only VAT on buyers premium

Electrical cabinet with omron plc and omron frequency converter, works
Only VAT on buyers premium