Fängt an zu schließen
Landholmvej 3, Sejlflod, 9280 Storvorde
KJ Auktion online event # 240 is surplus equipment from a number of vendors
Featured lots:
- VW LT35, Toyota Landcruiser, Toyota platform cargo, Fiat Ducato platform cargo, Peugeot Boxer platform cargo
Other vehicles:
- Crew trailer, Brenderup/Sønderjyden
- Closed trailer, Brenderup
Contructions machinery:
- Snow plows, salt spreaders, brooms, lool carrier, grass machines, part tractor
- Caterpillar dumper
- Plate compactors
- Infiltration plants, tubes for dewatering
- Lots of sewage pipes and fittings
- Noise suppressiont ceilings, 40 mm, and lots of tools and accessories
- 5000 liter plastic oil tank
- Kompressorer
- Metal band saw 0-60°
Viewing on 20. January 2015 from 9 AM to 4 PM CEST
Collection on 26. January 2015 and 27. January 2015 from 9 AM to 4 PM CEST

Antique oak table and bench, table in solid oak ca 200x77xh78 cm bench with carvings, about 205x40xh110 cm, very nice solid untreated oak
Nur Mehrwertsteuer auf Käuferhonorar