Hobro Maskinfabrik and other sellers - Surplus Machinetools - online auction: 16. Sept 2011 at 3 PM CET
Auktion 33
Online auktion.
OBS: New event closing time: 16. Sept at 3 PM CET
Hobro Maskinfabrik will be disposing of surplus machine tools.
KJ Auktion is commissioned to sell by online auction. You may bid online.
The machines from Hobro Maskinfabrik are lot 1 to 4 inclusive.
The machines are currently at the location on the shop floor where they have been used. However they may be moved at some point in time prior to the auction end time if the seller needs the space. All machines have marked connectors if dismantled (electricity and hydraulic).
Original manuals included. All machines are drained and in transport position.
Bukh A/S, Krusaa, will be disposing surplus machines. The macines from Bukh are lot 5 and forward. Included in the sale are two fine honing machines and a Wemhöner lathe.
Riggers and Shippers
We have some options for service providers of rigging and shipment:
Johannesen Kran & Maskintransport
Avedøreholmen 62
2650 Hvidovre
Tlf. +45 7070 2535Fax. +45 7070 2534
Jens Johannesen: JJ@Kranbil.dk
Svend Johannesen: SJ@Kranbil.dk
Kruse Maskintransport
Avedøreholmen 86
2650 Hvidovre
+45 36 49 89 49
Fax: +45 36 49 90 49
Email: na@krusemaskin.dk
Email: kh@krusemaskin.dk
J. Ødums Eftf. A/S
Messingvej 17
8940 Randers SV
Tel.: +45 86 44 81 44
Email: info@j-odum.dk
Viewing 12 September from 10 PM to 5 PM
Collection, Løvevej 40, Bryrup: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 19, 20 and 21. September from 8 AM to 6 PM. Other location by appointment with the local contact.