Elevating desk, Ergolevel + drawer + chair + run base + Flat, Dell + printer, Canon Image Formula DR-M140 + printer, the Canon DR-3060 + bookcase, high shelves (without content) + PC: Dell Optiplex 170L
Auktion 97 #0485

Elevating desk, Ergolevel + drawer + chair + run base + Flat, Dell + printer, Canon Image Formula DR-M140 + printer, the Canon DR-3060 + bookcase, high shelves (without content) + PC: Dell Optiplex 170L Klicken Sie auf ein Bild, um es in Vollgröße anzusehen


Elevating desk, Ergolevel + drawer + chair + run base + Flat, Dell + printer, Canon Image Formula DR-M140 + printer, the Canon DR-3060 + bookcase, high shelves (without content) + PC: Dell Optiplex 170L

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Norfolier, Grønvangsalle 2, 6600 Vejen

Bieten endet:

12-03-2013 15:00:00


8 March from 9 AM to 4 PM CEST


Collection on 13. + 14. March from 9 AM to 4 PM and on 15. March 2013 from 9 AM to 3 PM




KJ Auktion 97

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